Sunday, July 26, 2020

Save bees save humanity- speech topic

Bzzzzz, Ahh! Sorry, I thought I saw a bee. I must’ve been in a bit of a daydream!  “If bees disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.” This quote from Albert Einstein gets me thinking, do we need bees that badly? Many people think bees are just annoying flying insects that can sting you. Yet that is not what they are. I think that bees are the world's little helpers and they are imperative to all life on earth. 
Main point 1: 
Many people take bees for granted and kill them just because they fear getting stung. Do you ever wonder what would happen if bees disappeared entirely? With their extinction, we would suffer from loss of plants, crops and animals, famine & there would be widespread hardship for us humans. Research shows, about one out of every three bites of food in America is made possible by bees. Also, in the United States alone, Honeybees pollinate $15 billion worth of crops each year.  
Main point 2: 
You may wonder. What threatens bees? Well, parasites, pesticides, climate change and habitat loss are significant. But we, humans, are the main cause. We pollute the atmosphere, we take the habits of these innocent creatures, we place poison on their food. Us, humans, are like the witch from snow white, and the flowers we spray with chemicals are like the poisoned apple. By killing bees, we, in fact, threaten our future survival! We need to raise awareness of the abundance of help bees give us.  Imagine you are a bee flying around peacefully when suddenly you smell something delicious.  With a careful approach and a gentle sniff (ok so bees don’t sniff but you get the idea), you take a lick?  Next thing…well, there is no next thing because that is the end of you.  That is the reality our pesticides and poisons cause for our precious bees.
 Main point 3: 
YOU can help! Dandelions and clovers are good nutrition for bees so even though may look a bit scruffy, let some weeds grow! Consider placing flowering plants in your garden. Having a bit of free water in your backyard will help too because just like you and me, bees need water. Parents and guardians mmmm. You need to remind them “Mum, Dad please don’t hurt the bees, don’t put pesticides on our flowers!” 
Save bees Save humanity. Please don’t let anyone tell you that bees aren’t important! I hope I have convinced you that bees are not just annoying, that they are our special helpers and the main reason we are alive and enjoying abundant food! We should have care and respect for even the smallest of living things. They are here to help us not hurt us.
Turns out that even the smallest life really can change the world.
Thank you.

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