Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The present description

The Present:
A description of the main character

His big, light sienna eyes were glued to the tv proven to the fact that he was addicted / obsessed with playing  video games.He was wearing a dark lapis coloured jumper and navy blue jeans that were cut off on one side because he had lost a limb.The boy was also wearing a pair of voguish black and white sneakers.Also he had dusty looking brunette coloured hair.His skin was a pale beige and freckles spread across his small but round face.   

Ignorant to everything around him, (his mum and the present) the boy continued playing on the screen in a gloomy, dark space. Depressed, gloomy and ignorant, the boy was to all his surroundings. As the bright, light shone from behind him he squinted in despair. He hesitated but continued playing video games in his dismal aroma.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Colour poem-Blue

Blue poem
W.A.L.T: Use figurative language in our writing

Blue sounds like fresh water gushing down into a little lake, splash!
Blue reminds me of the vast, azure ocean,
Blue is the bright morning sky that I gaze at as soon as I get up,
Blue tastes like blueberries that are as sweet as candy floss popping in my mouth,
Blue makes me feel miserable on a rainy day,
Blue looks as beautiful as an apatite.