Thursday, June 21, 2018

Professor Andy is an evil lover of science, and when he is doing it he goes loopy then none of his experiments ever work.

Andy’s hair is like an orange ray of sunlight that has been affected by lightning. The buttons on his shirt look like teardrops  dripping down to the floor. He has a hairy beard protruding out of his face. The professor has the accent of an angry pirate.

Professor Andy woke up one morning with a fabulous idea. “Aha” he shouted “I have a grand idea”. “ I will create a master killing potion. “So I can rule the world!”Later on when he had finished his potion it was time to test it. So then  he tested it on his enemy carol. “HA HA”He boasted . “ Now I will rule the world….

The popcorn looked like a huge buttery cloud falling down to the ground. It turned inside out as slow as a grandpa turtle wandering around.

The taste of the popcorn is a buttery delectable delight.Popcorn is as crunchy as a juicy red apple.

It feels like a squishy yellow cloud. When you bite it, it feels like a petite explosion.

Popcorn smells like a buttery piece of toast.The smell of popcorn is like the blue salty sea.

When the popcorn pops it sounds a million massive balloons popping and blowing up the whole room.The sound of popcorn is very annoying.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Stories, (2)
Told to children,(4)
Harvesting crops all day,(6)
Dancing and singing all night long,(8)
With friends(2)

Matariki acrostic poem

M-aori  people believe in the Seven Sisters.
A-ttetion given to their iwi.
T-elling stories to family about your ancestors.

A-nger of Tawhirimatua ripping his eyes apart to create the Seven Sisters.
R-emembering  people that have past away.
I-nviting /bringing back memories.
K-ite creations flying around the sky.
I-n Matariki Maori elders teach the children about what it was like when they were kids.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Popular stories of room 10

 I have done a statistical investigation to find out which story Halsey Drive School likes the most.I predict that Ella Diaries will be most popular and Jack and the Bean stalk will be the least.

The options are:
1.Peter Rabbit
2. Jack and the Bean Stalk
3.Little Red Riding Hood
4.Ella Diaries
5. Ando Weirdo

I found out that in room 10 Peter Rabbit is the most popular story because it had 18 votes. Next most popular is Ando Weirdo that has 10.Then comes Ella Diaries with 1 and finally it is Jack and The Bean stalk and Little Red  Riding Hood that have none.