Tuesday, April 21, 2020

writing- sound desciption / narrative

The day of the evil witch
This is the writing I did based on a piece of instrumental music.
Try and guess which sound I used

1, 2 or 3

CRASH… AHHHHHHHH! Screamed young Mia and John Korsakov in a high pitch as they were running.
They ran in and out under and over in many confusing circles while the evil witch* chased after them
destroying everything in sight. Finally, the children gave up and the witch scooped them into a minute
black rubbish bag then threw the bag onto the rigidity old wooden broom and flew at top speed to her
hidden lair. Suddenly, Mia had an idea…
*(she liked to go by the name Miss Jadis)
Instead of the witch cannibalizing them she could try to end their lives by throwing them off the edge of
the world, but while they were flying there Mia and John would then shake the broom and make her fall
off into the deep dark sea then turn the broom around and fly back home; they obviously wouldn’t tell her
the end part though! Mia whispered quickly yet secretly to John and then when the witch let them out
they waited for a little and told her she should throw them off the edge of the world instead.
At the thought of that, the witch cackled loudly and aggressively but somehow even though it took a while
the intelligent children managed to persuade Miss Jadis and off they went. The children knew they were
nearing the water so they started to shake the broom… will the witch fall of or the children!

To be continued


  1. Amazing Work Ashley! I like how you ended with a cliffhanger leaving everyone in suspense.

  2. Ashley, I really enjoyed the way you brought the music to life with your descriptive writing and use of powerful adjectives and verbs. I also like how you used different conjunctions and punctuation to make your meaning clearer. Good job!
