Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Sphere Explanation- writing

The geosphere


This is earth a sphere made up of many different spheres. These spheres are Earths Systems, the geosphere,  the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere. Earths systems are critical and no life would exist without them. The atmosphere, all gases and air on Earth, Hydrosphere, all bodies of water on Earth, Biosphere all life on Earth and finally the Geosphere all rocks and land on Earth.

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What are the layers of the geosphere and what are they made of? Is a question commonly asked by people learning about Earth. First of all, there are 4 layers in the geosphere. The crust, the mantle, the outer core and the inner core. 

Starting with the crust; this is the layer of Earth we live and thrive on, the crust is the surface of the geosphere. It is made of solid rock. There are two parts to the Geosphere’s crust. The Continental crust and the oceanic crust.

The mantle is next. This layer is underneath the crust and around the outer core. This layer is made of semi-molten rock. Some parts of the mantle are hard and other parts are softer.

The outer core surrounds the inner core, it is a liquid layer made of iron and nickel. This layer is extremely hot with temperatures of up to 5,500℃.

The inner core is like the Earths engine room because of it’s soaring temperatures. This layer is solid and also is made of iron and nickel, it is located in the centre of Earth. 

What does the geosphere do for life on earth?

The geosphere shapes the land and defines much of the environment we live in. Without the geosphere, hydrosphere and the atmosphere the biosphere would collapse and die out completely! Earths geosphere controls mineral distribution which is crucial for the economic success of most places. For example, mountain distribution, the position of continents, the shape of the seafloor and the location of major rivers and flood plains are all controlled by the geosphere.

What are some interesting facts about the geosphere?

The word ‘geo’ in greek means Earth. Our crust is made up of many tectonic plates which are always moving. Another name for the geosphere is the Lithosphere,  ‘lithos’ in greek (λíӨoς) means rocky. The oceanic lithosphere is between 5-10 miles thick and the continental crust is between 22-37 miles thick! The continental parts of the geosphere are extremely old while the oceanic parts are much younger and growing because of constant falling mantle material at mid-ocean ridges. 


The geosphere creates all the foundations and land that makes up Earth. To conclude, without the geosphere Earth couldn’t be how it is today and Earth would crumble then fall into a pit of nothingness.

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